November 11, 2023SAMPLE OF DEFENCE IN SUITS FOR GOODS SOLD AND DELIVERED1. The defendant did not order the goods. 2. The goods were not delivered to the defendant. 3. The price was not Rs…… [or] 4. 5. […]
November 11, 2023SAMPLE OF DECREE FOR SALE (ORDER XXXIV, RULE 4)[Plaintiff ……………………………….Sub or Derivative Mortgagee Versus Defendant No. 1 ……………………………Mortgagor, Defendant No. 2 …………………………….Original Mortgagee]. (Order XXXIV, Rules 4) IN THE COURT OF …….. SUIT NO……… […]
November 11, 2023A SAMPLE OF MEMORANDUM OF COMPLETE SATISFACTION OF CHARGE UNDER THE COMPANIES ACT,1956THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Memorandum of complete satisfaction of charge [pursuant to section 138] Name of the company Limited /Private Limited Presented by Limited/Private Limited/ Hereby […]
November 11, 2023SAMPLE OF DECREE FOR REDEMPTION OF PRIOR MORTGAGE AND FORECLOSURE OR SALE ON SUBSEQUENT MORTGAGE (ORDER XXXIV, RULES 2,3 AND 4)[Plaintiff ……………………………….2nd Mortgagee, Versus Defendant No. 1 ……………………………Mortgagor, Defendant No. 2 …………………………….1st Mortgagor]. (Order XXXIV, Rules 2,3 and 4) IN THE COURT OF …….. SUIT NO……… […]