To, Shri XYZ Dear Sir, WHEREAS by an agreement dated …………………………the day of…… 20……and entered into and between A son of Shri……………resident of…………..and B son of […]
To, Shri ……………….. Dear Sir, Sub: Arbitration of matter… In dispute: Agreement dated…………………… I have to inform you that Shri ……………………appointed by you as an arbitrator […]
IN THE COURT OF THE LD. SDM (U) EXERCISING THE POWERS OF EXECUTIVE MAGISTRATE AT ……………… Application No.:______ of ………… 1. 2 Applicant/Suspect Versus Respondents Application […]
Before Shri……………………and……………………(Arbitrators) In the matter of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 AND In the matter of arbitration of disputes between A, Claimant and B, Respondent Please […]