This Agreement made at _____________ this __________ day of _______________, 2000 _________ between ______________ hereinafter referred to as the Promoter ( ____________________ ) of the One […]
This deed of agreement made on this ___________, 2000 between: 1. SN, aged about ___ years, r/o ______________________, hereinafter called the 1st party. 2. PK aged, […]
This deed of agreement made on this _________, 2000 between: 1. Shri PL, aged about ___ years s/o Shri SS r/o ___________________, Delhi, hereinafter called the […]
Memorandum of Agreement It is hereby submitted that on the………………day of………………20…….personal injury was caused to…………… residing at………………by accident arising out of and in the course of […]