BEFORE THE SUB-REGISTRAR, In the matter of registration of the WILL executed by Shri ……………………. son of …….resident of……………………………….. AFFIDAVIT of ……., S/o…………………….. , aged about […]
In the Court of Addl. District Judge IV . ………… Petition No . of Shri A Petitioner/Opposite Party vs Smt. B Respondent/Applicant Affidavit of Smt. B […]
BEFORE THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, ________________________________ Affidavit of Mr. ……………………, aged ________________ __ years S/o ____________________ Resi ____________________ I, the above name deponent solemnly affirm and state […]
BEFORE THE INCOME-TAX OFFICER, _______________ Affidavit of Mr. A aged about ____ S/o Mr.___________, resident of __________________________. I, the above named deponent solemnly affirm and state […]