BEFORE THE II ADDL CIVIL COURT, of 20 Miscellaneous Application No. of 20 In Original Suit No Applicant/Defendant: Vs. Respondent/Plaintiff: AFFIDAVIT I……………………, , S/o , aged […]
BEFORE THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, _______________ Affidavit of Mr. MJ, aged about __ years S/o MY, R/o ______________________ I, the above name deponent solemnly affirm and state […]
BEFORE THE …………………………………… Affidavit of Mr. ………………., aged ………………………………, S/o………………………………………… , Resi ______________________ I, the above name deponent solemnly affirm and state on oath as under: […]
Format of Affidavit to be filed with Restoration Petition in a Dismissed Application. Restoration Petition for a Dismissed Application can be filed under Section 151 of […]