To, This security bond on stay of execution of decree executed by witnesseth: That………………………………., the plaintiff in Suit No. ……………. of ……………… 20…….. having sued, the […]
IN THE HON’BLE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT Second Appeal No………………… of 19……………….. (Under Section 100 C. P. C. ) ……………………………………………………………. Appellant versus …………………………………………. Defendant/Respondent ……………………………… […]
A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. Plaintiff is, and at all times hereinafter mentioned was, the owner of [a portrait of his grandfather […]
A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. Plaintiff is, and at all times hereinafter mentioned was, the owner of [a portrait of his grandfather […]