November 15, 2023A SAMPLE GIFT OF MONEYS FOR THE MARRIAGE OF GRAND-DAUGHTERI, s/o.r/otransfer to (Miss) . my grand daughter aged about 18 years an amount of Rs.on the auspicious occasion of your marriage with Mr. Dated Sd/..
November 15, 2023A SAMPLE GIFT OF MONEY TO GRAND SONLET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL by this Deed of Gift that I, .. S/o R/o.. do, hereby, out of natural love and affection and also […]
November 15, 2023A SAMPLE GIFT OF LIFE-INTEREST IN FAVOUR OF THE RESIDUARY LEGATEE[Short form] THIS DEED OF GIFT made the ________ day of __________ BETWEEN _________________________________________________ (insert the name, address, etc. of donor) (hereinafter called the donor) of […]
November 15, 2023A SAMPLE GIFT OF MONEY TO BROTHER FOR MEETING THE MARRIAGE EXPENSES OF THE NIECE OF THE DONORI, s/o.r/o.. give this amount of Rs . in gift to you, Mr s/o resident of , my brother, for meeting the marriage expenses of my […]