THIS DEED of exchange made at……………….on this…………………day of……………….20……………….between A son of B resident of…………(hereinafter referred to as the First Party) of the ONE PART and C […]
THIS AGREEMENT is made at………………..on this……………… of…………20…between A son of B resident of(hereinafter called “the First Party”) of the ONE PART and C son of D […]
THIS DEED of exchange made at……………….on this………………. day of……………….20……………….between A son of……………….resident of……………….(hereinafter called the “First Owner”) of the FIRST PART and B son of ……………….resident […]
THIS DEED is made at……………….this……………….day of………………20 ……………….between A son of……………….resident of………………..(hereinafter called the “First Party”) of the ONE PART and B son of……………….resident of ………………. (hereinafter […]