November 11, 2023SAMPLE OF NOTICE TO DEFENDANTTo ……………. (Name, description and place of residence) Where this day was fixed for the hearing of the above suit and a summons was issued to […]
November 11, 2023SAMPLE OF NOTICE OF APPEAL (THIS IS NOT A PRESCRIBED FORM )In the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at ……………. Notice of Revision……………………… (Under CLI A Rule 4 of the Act No. V of 1908) Appellate Jurisdiction […]
November 11, 2023SAMPLE OF NOT DELIVERING GOODS SOLDA.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the ….. day of …….. 20……, the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed that the defendant should […]
November 11, 2023SAMPLE OF ADMINISTRATION BY PECUNIARY LEGATEE[Alter form No. 41 thus] [Omit paragraph 1 and substitute for paragraph 2] E.F., late of ……, died on or about the ….. day of ….. […]