November 10, 2023SAMPLE OF MONEY BOND WITH A SURETY FOR AN EXISTING LIABILITYTHIS BOND is made at ………… on this …………. Day of……………… 20……… by A son of Shri …………. (hereinafter called the debtor) of the FIRST PART […]
November 10, 2023A SAMPLE OF FIRST INFORMATION REPORTTo, The Officer-in-charge of the police station Ram Prakash Singh Lucknow. Sir, Today at 2 A.M. a group of three people armed with guns entered my […]
November 10, 2023SAMPLE OF LOAN BOND WITH SURETY AND HYPOTHECATEION OF PROPERTYThis Loan Bond is executed on ofat .. between: 1. Mr. TH s/o MY r/o ..hereinafter called the debtor on the First Part. 2. Mr. […]
November 10, 2023A SAMPLE OF DEED & DRAFTCRIMINAL COMPLAINT U/S 323 & 5O4 IPC IN THE COURT OF THE JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE, FIRST CLASS,__________ Criminal Complaint No.___/20___ ________________________________ ) ________________________________ ) Complainant […]