This Agreement made…………….this…………….day of………………………20…………….between X, son of resident of…………….(hereinafter called the “Vendor”) of the FIRST PART, Y, son of ……………………………….. resident of …………….(hereinafter called the “Promoters”) […]
This Agreement made at between A B Co. Ltd. a company incorporated under Indian Companies Act, 1913 and having its registered office at (hereinafter called the […]
A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows:– 1. On the ……. day of……. 19……., the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed that the plaintiffs should serve […]
IN THE COURT OF THE………….. Written Statement In Suit No…………………. of 19………….. ……………… (parentage and address)…………. Plaintiff. versus ……………… (parentage and address)……… Defendant. Written statement of […]