I,_______________ (mortgagee) hereby acknowledge that the sum of mortgage money borrowed from__________(mortgagor) herein called as the creditor who stays at _______________,(address) lends a money of sum […]
I ______________________________[Debtor]. Residing at ___________________________________________________________________ Creditor _____________________________________ I ________________________________________________[Debtor] hereby acknowledge that _________________________________ has the day advance to me the sum of ____________________________________ by the way loans (free of […]
To ______________________[Creditor] I___________________ [Debtor] of ________________________________________ [address] hereby acknowledge that the sum of Rs________________________________________[rupee] only due from me to ____________________________[Creditor] of ___________________________________________________[Address] for valuable received. Signature: […]
I,_________ hereby acknowledges and requesting to extend the limitation of amount borrowed from,__________(creditor) that the undersigned is indebted to the creditor in the amount of _____ […]