Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of X Y Co. Ltd. will be held at the……….Sabhagar . ……….Bombay 400 020 on……. ……….th ……….20……….at……….P.M. […]
X Y Co. Ltd. …………………………. …………………………. NOTICE is hereby given that the Forty-Second Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on……….at ……….A.M. at……….to transact […]
Minutes of the statutory meeting of the X Y Co. Ltd. held on……….day of ……….20……….at……….P,M. at the registered office of the Company. Present 1. Mr. . […]
Minutes of the proceedings of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company……….held at………. on………. at A.M. Present 1. Mr. A Chairman 2. Mr. B Director 3. […]